A Lakota Lesson
1. Where are you going?
Male talk: tokiya la hwo?
Female talk: tokiya la he? To-kee-ya Tokiya: where - La: are you going?
(hwo and he: male and female gender endings question. )
2. I am glad you came.
Male talk: tanyan yahi yelo.
Female talk: tanyan yahi ksto. Tan-yan ya-hee Tanyan: glad/well/good Yahi: you came
(yelo and ksto: male and female gender endings.)
3. You did well/good.
Male talk: tanyan icanu yelo.
Female talk: tanyan icanu ksto. Tan-yan ee-cha-noo Tanyan: glad/well/good Icanu: you did (can also be spell: ecanu)
(yelo and ksto: male and female gender endings.)
Anpetu waste yuha po (have a good day!)
Bryan Charging Cloud
Lakota Language Institute
Oglala Lakota College